Hold and pay for your event by 31 May 2025 and earn double reward points with us!
Elevate your next event in one of our six function rooms and boost your reward points with the current ALL Meeting Planner - Let's Make it Rewarding campaign.
How to be rewarded:
1. Book a new meeting or event, to be held prior to and paid in full by 31st May 2025.
2. Register for the Let’s Make It Rewarding campaign
3. Sit back and enjoy bonus points credited to your account - your 2 x reward points bonus will be credited to your account the month after your event has been paid for
Not a member of ALL Meeting Planner?
Ask us how to join for free when you enquire for your next event.
ALL Meeting Planner memberships are designed to reward members who organise professional events, conferences or groups and is linked to ALL - Accor Live Limitless.
T&C apply.
Refer to Double Reward points on event (accor.com) for full offer details.
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